Cadre Management System

“Vriksh logo creates a visual perception of a human tree, representative of the hierarchical set-up of an organisation, where there is an atmosphere of trust, belongingness and a sense of community within its fellow members. The colour scvheme is a specific design choice. The light green is the colour of life symbolizing growth, harmony and tranquility, brown depicts strength and reliability like earth and dark green is commonly associated with money or finance, thus representative of the field of specialization of the Income Tax Department.”

Pr.CCIT (UP East) Lucknow


This Website is administered by the Office of the Principal Chief Commissioner of Income tax UP (East). The contents of the website are for internal use only. Every effort has been made to provide accurate and updated information, which is based on details available and data provided by the employees. However, in case of any discrepancy, the data as recorded in the original service records shall prevail.

We welcome your suggestions to improve this website and request that errors (if any) may kindly be brought to our notice so that necessary corrections can be made.


Vriksh is a web based Cadre Management System (CMS) for maintaining the HR profile of the employees of the UP East Region of Income Tax Department. It is also intended as a medium of dissemination of important information to all employees as well as to collect information from the employees in an expeditious, reliable and transparent manner. Vriksh has been designed to ensure that the data once compiled should be available for meaningful use in future while ensuring that personal information of the employees is visible only to the authorised personnel.

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